Final observations:
I find that this has been a very interesting assignment. I think that most of us on a subconscious level understand that images do profoundly affect our perception of a message. We also should be very aware that this is used frequently to manipulate our thinking. Advertising is certainly guilty of this, and I am pretty certain this is not a secret. But I can see other applications that are not quite so blatant in their efforts to shape our opinions. This is certainly an area for further thought.
Another perspective that I am in the process of mentally working through comes from my interest in the creation of art. Until I sat and looked at the different communication strategies I did not have the vocabulary to express the elements that make one image powerful and another simply a family snapshot. I see now that the images having the most impact are those that combine multiple strategies. Case in point, the surfing kitty only invokes Logos, Pathos and Mythos. It’s a cute picture; it gets its point across and is memorable in its own way. The handshake image on the other hand uses all four strategies to good effect. Additionally this image also is transparent enough in its simplicity to be a different story for each person who views it. Now that is powerful.
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